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摘要:外研版高中三年级(第9册)Module2Grammar the的用法 1表示特指的人或物Pleasehandmethekeyonthedesk.Thegirlinredishissister.Thebuildingoverthereisthetallestinthetown.Ilikethemusicofthefilm.2表示双方都知道的或心中明白的人或物Hashereturnedthebook? Hesawahouseinthedistance.Jim'sparentslivedinthehouse.Therewasonceanoldfisherman.Theoldfishermanhadacat.Thecatwaswhite.用在世界上独一无二的名词前thesun太阳,theearth地球,themoon月亮,thesky天空,theworld世界用在表示方向、方位的名词前theeast东方,thewest西方,thesouth南方,thenorth北方,theright右边,theleft左边 方位词成对使用构成平行结构时,不用定冠词。Theriveristwothousandkilometerslongfromwesttoeast.Theytraveledthroughthecountryfromsouthtonorth.4用在形容词最高级前Summeristhehottestseasonoftheyear.Sheisthebestpersonforthejob.Hangzhouisoneofthemostbeautifulcitiesinthe

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